Quality and Environmental Policy
Bearing in mind the purpose of existence, context and strategic support of CNC PRODUCT Bartosz Wójcik company direction as well as the character and level of influence of its actions and products on the environment, the following quality and environmental policy is established:
- realize high quality products which meet the requirements of Customers, parties of interest and applicable legal and regulatory requirements,
- gain lasting trust of the Customer through individual and reliable approach to their needs and expectations,
- improve the level and condition of technical backup in a continuous manner,
- constantly strengthen the position on the market,
- observe binding legal requirements in terms of environment protection and other requirements connected with the company’s activity,
- limit and, where possible eliminate, the application of substances which are hazardous for the environment,
- apply technical, technological and organizational solutions which allow for limitation of process arduousness at the source,
- carry out rational, not harmful to the environment, management of wastes formed as a result of the activity carried out, through sorting, protecting, handing over for recycling or treatment,
- take into consideration the issues related to environment protection at each stage of process realization and continuously improve the ecological awareness of the employees,
- ensure that the activity realization is performed in the environment-friendly conditions, safe for people,
- continuously improve the integrated quality and environment management system.
Based on the aforementioned quality and environment management policy, a plan of quality and environmental objectives is created for each year, and objectives and tasks set in it are monitored and verified.
Tarnów, 30.04.2018 r.